2023-2024 Meetings and Presentations

See our new Facebook page for the latest information.

Except as noted below, our meetings are on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Burlington County Lyceum of History and Natural Sciences, 307 High Street. Here's our tentative schedule of meetings and presentations for 2023-2024. Please arrive a few minutes early so we can begin promptly at 7. Our meetings are open to the public, but non-members are requested to donate $5 to attend the program. Members will receive a reminder email.

Funding for programming at the Shinn-Curtis Cabin has been made possible in part by the New Jersey Historical Commission, Department of State, and the Burlington County Board of County Commissioners, Department of Resource Conservation, Division of Parks.

July 13 - Open House at the Shinn-Curtis Making a Penny Rug
For all ages. Participants will learn how penny rugs were made using old clothing and blankets made from felted wool. We will discuss the many uses for penny rugs and then create one using cardstock to take home. The program is given by Recycled Artist Holly Doyle.

August 10 - Open House at the Shinn-Curtis Drop Spinning Wool
Participants will practice the basics of drop spinning wool. Youth will keep their CD drop spindles while supplies last. Local resource shared. The learning will be ongoing. Spinning wool in colonial times and its uses is discussed as well as natural dyeing. The program is given by MHHS member Barb Johns.

September 14 - Open House at the Shinn-Curtis Making a Corn Husk Doll
FREE!! Ages 10 & up. Under 10 are welcome but they need to have an adult to help them. Learn about the history of corn husk dolls and their uses while making one. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to connect with Mount Holly’s rich history through craft. The program is given by Recycled Artist Holly Doyle.

September 23 - Preserving, Protecting, and Promoting Timbuctoo
Fifteen years after archeological studies put Timbuctoo "on the map," as a historic site, preservation and educational activities are thriving. Come and hear Timbuctoo descendant Guy Weston talk about what has been learned, innovative projects to share information in schools and community settings, as well as strategies to preserve Timbuctoo for generations to come. Weston will also seek input on ways to make Timbuctoo more engaging for visitors, since the primary above ground evidence of Timbuctoo’s history is a small cemetery.
October 12 - Open House at the Shinn-Curtis Quilling
For all ages. Children under age 10 need to have an adult present to assist them. Participants will learn the ancient history of quilling as an art form using strips of paper which are rolled, shaped and glued to create decorative designs. A notecard with a fall theme will be created to take home. This program is given by MHHS member Alicia McShulkis.

November 9 - Open House at the Shinn-Curtis Making a Felted Acorn Cap
For all ages. Children under age 10 need to have an adult present to assist them. This demonstration and workshop descrives how wool is felted together to make it thicker. (Spinning wheels make a strand of yarn, whereas felting creates a solid material.) Felting was often used for heavy winter coats and blankets, but we will discuss its many other uses. The participants will make a felted acorn cap using similar techniques of the felting process to take home. The program is given by Recycled Artist Holly Doyle.